Month: June 2013

  • A Great Read (For Once)

    As part of keeping my professional licensure current, I must maintain 12 Continuing Education credit hours annually. I do this through my professional association's bimonthly journal. Lots of times, these articles are boring and written with a perfunctory hand. (I think you can always tell the difference between a subject one cares about and one they are simply penning a few words on.) The one I read today, though, was outstanding, and I wish I could share it with you. Yes, that interesting.

    It was about pain and empathy. It was about diagnostic, medical imaging of these things. And it was about alternative management of pain through hypnosis and meditation, and why it works (traditionally and currently) with scientific data supporting that.

    It was about the difference between men and women, in their brains and in response to pain, as well as their ability to empathize (a measured, quantitative response). It turns out, male brains don't light up (in the empathetic pathways) when they feel there is injustice. If someone plays unfair or cheats, they don't empathize when that person is subjected to pain. But women? We still do.


    I could go on, but I'd be basically writing out the whole article. This was a great morning read.


  • I Have a Bad Attitude

    Living here comes with a big learning curve. What could I possibly mean? The Marine Code.

    It doesn't matter if you're another branch of the military. You must adhere.

    It doesn't matter if you're off duty, in civvies (not to be confused with skivvies). You must adhere.

    It doesn't matter if you're actually a civillian. You still. Must. Adhere.

    Or get out.


    So what does this Marine code entail that annoys me so much??

    Men must always be clean shaven. Always.

    No one may wear work out clothes.

    Tank tops are prohibited.

    Any clothing that shows your midriff at all is prohibited.

    Spaghetti straps are prohibited.

    "Excess cleavage" is prohibited.


    There was more but I was fuming so damn hard, I quit reading. We've been to many Exchanges and Commissaries, from FL to VA. NEVER has it been such a damn pain in the ass. More, the entire base follows these rules. If you need a parking pass, they will not help you and you will be kicked out and asked who your sponsor is (so he can be held responsible) if you do not adhere. 

    I'm serious when I tell you that I have a VERY bad attitude about this. Like, I'm ready to wear the sluttiest, most naked shit I've ever worn in my life and go walking around like wazzup. And I know that would be bad.

    So the truth is, I should just never go on base.


    Because I'm apparently looking to pick a damn fight. With the Marines. Which is stupid.

    Yay freedom, right?

     ... I mean really, no work out clothes? If I wore something someone thought I might work out in, I'd be kicked out. It's yoga pants time, girls. What? It's not workout clothes, it's YOGA clothes. I do yoga for relaxation, not to workout. AmIright? This is what I mean by pick a fight. I'm ready to take these Marines and their codes down orally.

    Wait. That doesn't sound right.



  • Life After Death

    I don't know how to start writing. I've had so much to say, so much to share, and just haven't had the time or the means to say any of it. The best thing I know to do in cases like these is just to begin. Because every little bit you accomplish is that much more you no longer have left to do.

    The most important thing, and if you know my heart well you'll know what this means to me, is that I have my beach back.

    Yesterday, we just drove. We went. I knew which way to go but didn't know where the access points were. I didn't think it would matter. And it didn't. It was evident, it was everywhere. It just was.

    We weren't there to swim. I just had to go, it was time. I couldn't wait any longer.

    We climbed the wooden stairs over the sea oat-covered sand dune, and walked out on to the beach itself. The tide was high and outgoing. It was cloudy and grey, it had been stormy earlier in the day. The breeze was a cool one. Pelicans sat in the water past the breakers, which were choppy. I stood there. And as soon as I really breathed in the salty air, taking it all in, tears welled in my eyes. I have missed this so desperately.

    The kids began digging in the sand with their hands, Ava trying to make a sand castle while Isaiah continuously ruined it like a good little brother should. I put my face in Josh's chest and, hugging him, I cried. Not from sadness, but from relief. Relief that the last 4 years of my life are really over now.

    Because they are. And I survived them.

    It isn't just that I had missed the water, it's that I lived among so much death. I cannot describe it with any other word. A community, an environment, so stunted, so polluted, so painted on the surface. Appearing alive, but dead on the inside. No ability to grow. No ability to breathe unrestricted. Nature itself was toxic. And I am connected to nature, particularly to the water, which was polluted with oil and other things.

    We tried to go to the "beach" there. It wasn't a beach at all. Beyond that, it felt dead to me. Both times we went, I spent the majority of the time picking up trash compulsively because I couldn't stand it. I couldn't stand it because of the mess itself and how it naturally must impact wildlife, but also because it was unsafe for my own children to play there. I couldn't even stand to see it. And other people? They looked at me like I was crazy. They simply accepted their environment. They sat back and did nothing. They probably even had contributed to what was there, some of which had clearly been there for a very long time.

    Complacency. The enemy of life, the enemy of growth.

    Unwillingness to move. The enemy of progress, the enemy of change.

    These things kill me on the inside.

    Life, the chemical and physiological properties of life itself demand movement and change. Breathing requires the intake and output of air, the movement of your diaphragm, your lungs, and many other parts, microscopic and large both. Procreation demands movement and change... Our species requires change! Not just our species, all life does.

    That is why the last 4 years have been such a struggle. There have been rewards in it, mostly involving my children. But overall, if I look at my former blog, I can watch myself slowly fade. From a cheerful, upbeat, positive person... to someone more prone to sadness and stress. And it's because it's been a heavy burden.

    I mostly carried it for my family by myself. It was mostly necessary. Yes, I believe I should have had more help from my husband.

    The truth is, he was struggling himself in the same environment.

    The truth is, I'm older than he is. Even beyond that, I grew up in a supportive family that encouraged individualism and being true to yourself, whatever your path is. He did not. He grew up with a very (overly) controlling father. And while I've come to understand some of the reason for his father's desperate need to hold so tightly to that control over everything, it didn't help Josh to become a man himself. It wasn't until Josh left home and joined the military that he was able to become (and find) himself. Even then, it took a long time to learn to make his own decisions independently. His father hadn't taught him that he could, rather, he taught him that he couldn't. All of this to say that I have many, many more years of stability in myself when the rest of the world around you is not understanding and not accepting of who you are.

    It, in retrospect, is not a surprise that I had to bear more of the burden. Even the majority of it. I had the most strength.

    I did not come out unscathed. But I am still who I am and who I always was. Even broken down. Even in tears. Even sick. My heart is still my own. I am still tender...

    And that is why, when I finally saw My Beach (which is only a 20 minute drive away) I cried.

    I cried because I knew it was over. I really knew. I am surrounded by life again. It has been proven.

    Things can only get better from here. heart


  • Two Things

    I have wifi again. (Happy Elmo dance)

    ... except I can't really happy Elmo dance because...

    I have the ****ing flu. Yes. Really.

  • In the Sticks

    It turns out, our neighborhood is extremely rural. How did I not know that? Because it looks like a regular neighborhood, but with great natural backyards (MY favorite, I like trees where nature made them). The issue? Well, it turns out internet and cell service.

    I'll be just like someone else I know, standing outside on my phone. Only, I won't be by a busy road.

    So we have to get "rural" services for internet. Which won't happen until Monday. And we only had one option, because no other company has accessed our road at all.

    Interesting facts (at least to me): Standing outside our house, you can hear gunfire. This would normally scare me. But it's from the marine base. We can also see aircraft when they practice. Like.

    Negative fact: WTF are the huge spiders they have out here?? *cry*



  • Success

    We got a house. Times are busy. But we won't get our things until Friday - the movers put our stuff in storage.

    The house far exceeds anything I could have dreamed up. I'm very happy. But overwhelmed with the need to nest and inability to do it.

  • Good News/Bad News

    We found a house! It was on "accident." But we can't sign papers and lock it in until Monday morning. So it doesn't feel settled.

    My phone is killin' me, man. The external speaker stopped working, as in my phone doesn't ring etc. Ever. I've been troubleshooting for days. I factory re-set today, which meant backing everything up and then losing it all. I'm now working on re-downloading all my shiz. It's beyond frustrating. And the speaker still doesn't work. Headphones do. Phonecalls do. No other sound does. I'm so annoyed.

  • Tornado What?

    And where the hell are we?

    Pardon me (cover your eyes if you will be offended, understand my complete frustration)...

    But What The Fuck! This is the THIRD TORNADO WARNING yes warning we have had here tonight, and it's now 4:40am.

    We're in the hotel. I turn on the local news to see what the fuck... And I'm like??? Where the fuck are we on that map? I don't know where those locations are, those neighborhoods. We just pulled into town mere hours ago. Dammit.

    This has been a lovely move. Lovely. And hey, good luck to us for the rest of the night.

    Third tornado warning...

  • Road Trip Complete

    We are in our hotel in North Carolina, now. Settled in. Turned in our car trailer to U-Haul (we towed our Jetta behind our Sierra). And I'm so tired I honestly think I've lost some brain cells.

    Now for step two: Find a new home. In 10 days.

    Oh brother...

    And hey, great weather, tropical storm Andrea.

  • Knock Knock

    The long drive has reached the inevitable point it must come to with children: the incessant knock knock jokes... that aren't funny.

    I will give you a short live joke dialogue, between Ava (7) and Isaiah (4).

    Knock knock. Who's there? Mommy. Mommy who? Who's your mommy!!

    Knock knock. Who's there? Cupcake. Cupcake who? Nothing.

    Knock knock. Who's there? Rude. Rude who? You.

    Knock knock. Who's there? Apple. Apple who? Apple cheesy, apple boys.

    Knock knock. Who's there? Home. Home who? Poopyface.


    In the car with kids.
