
  • It's Aliiive

    Well I'll be damned, the Xanga team exists somewhere. I got a W2 from 'em today.

  • Pulse

    Road trip to Pennsylvania. FYI, I think Virginia's roads suck. (In the Quantico area now...)

  • Pulse with Pic

    It's snowing. The first snow I've experienced since I lived in Boston. 11 yrs ago.


  • Pulse

    Today Ava learned that the word compass has the word ass in it. Yay science! (There was lots of giggling she had to explain.)

  • Pulse

    Ava: I'm gonna practice drawing hearts (with chalk on the driveway). *aggravated noises* (mumbles) It just looks like a butt. :-(


  • Pulse

    I'm a Metal Monkey.

  • Pulse

    I never realized how much I identified with Natalie Imbruglia's song, Torn.

  • Pulse-ish

    Watching Frankenweenie with the blinds closed, surround on, and kids in sleeping bags on the living room floor. Have you ever seen this? I love the creepy. Now shut up, kids. No talking.

    @MyxlDove, I used QuickPress for this. I don't think it was quicker. Ha!

    Edit: It definitely wasn't faster. It didn't categorize the post as a pulse. I had to add that in this edit. Won't use QuickPress again, it's superfluous and lacks sortability.

  • *Pulse*

    I learned my lesson. I will never drink that again... Water. Coffee. Protein bar. Motrin. My hangover cure. Hopefully.
