Month: September 2013

  • Coffee Advice Needed

    Speaking of Coffee, I used to live in Coffee County, Georgia. Fact. From '92-'99ish. I know I graduated high school there in '98 but that I started college somewhere else in '99. Yes I took a year off. Why? Because people are judgmental buttheads when it comes to unconventional decisions perceived to be "lower" than expected. It took time for me to fight the good fight and decide the good decisions.

    That was a tangent.


    I think I am becoming an adult. Finally. How do I know this? I can now enjoy a good cuppa Joe. This is the standard of what it means to be an adult - didn't you know?! But a good cup of it has been hard for me to figure out. My tastes are acquiring and the thing is, I have a sensitive tongue.

    hahahaha lol lol lol (OK maybe I'm not so mature yet)

    I'm damn picky, but it's hard to describe. I will try. Lend your knowledgeable ears, friends, Romans, and Countrymen.

    Coffee usually tastes too watery. By this I do not mean it isn't strong enough. I mean it feels thin. Watery. Like tea feels. Don't get me wrong, I love tea (loose leaf FTW). But when coffee feels thicker, nuttier (lol hahahaha!), I like it more.

    So what is my deal? I don't know enough about coffee to understand what it is I like or don't. That makes it hard for me to know before I put it in my mouth (LOL!) if I'm gonna like it. Help me out. It isn't that the coffee isn't strong enough, it's that it isn't thick enough.

    I guess I like all things in my mouth to be thick and dark. (Right, Riis? Too far?) LIKE CHOCOLATE AND COFFEE. I'm just talking about about coffee. Immature brats. ;-)

    Like, would a French Press help me out? Or, I read that getting a cone filter and boiling my own water and pouring and stirring it myself into this cone filter would yield a thicker brew. Which sounds a little pain-in-the-buttish. Get me started with this conversation, I will be commenting and commenting back.

    HELP ME DRINK GOOD COFFEE. My mouth (and tongue) needs you. Specifically. Yes you.


  • The Memories in a Breeze

    Alone on the back deck, a crisp Autumn breeze blows. It's the first I've felt in a long time. As I sip my warm herbal tea, because I'm fighting off a cold, Stairway To Heaven plays in the background mixed with the orchestra of crickets and other buggy sounds, and it takes me back to another time. Probably the last time I remember feeling the true crisp Autumn breezes.

    Once upon a time, I lived alone in the beautiful city of Boston.

    It was only for 9 months. From August '02 to May '03. I was 22. A new college grad. Boston Medical Center had hired me, they'd waited, in fact, for me to graduate and move from Atlanta. Sweet southern girl, 5'1" and I didn't even crack 100 pounds. I knew no one. But I was determined to make my way. I had a good head on my shoulders, a great career before me, and supportive family back home.

    Make it, I did. There were bumps along the way, no doubt. But this was my personal journey and I grew as a human, as a woman, and as an individual. But I specifically remember this feeling...

    Sitting on the giant rocks outside my apartment looking at the landscape. Alone. The crisp Autumn breeze blowing.





  • An Oral Delight

    You are hard and dark

    when I lovingly pass you through my lips.

    Sweet and warm,

    you begin to melt on my tongue.

    As I suck and savor,

    the taste and experience intensifies

    until it can no longer be tolerated.

    And blissfully I swallow.


  • Bad Boys

    Something really surprised me in therapy on Wednesday. My counselor said I was attracted to bad boys. I was like, nuh-unh. She was all, uh-huh. She was referring to Josh.


    Really? Is this true? How long has it been true?! He can't be a bad boy, he is a military man, in law enforcement. A rescuer, a hero. She just looked at me and said, "the military is inherently a place for bad boys." WHAT! I argued eloquently, with just one word.

    I continued, "No. The Coast Guard is different. They are rescuers. Their symbol is a shield, not a sword. They are protectors."

    She replied, "Have you ever been to the Beirut Memorial here? 'They came in peace.' The Marines are not just a sword either. No military branch is solely aggressive in nature. All have protective, peaceful services too. You should visit the Memorial sometime."

    Humbled, I sat in silence.

    And I thought.

    Why was I attracted to Josh to begin with? What bad boy element might I find if I looked for it? What would I have needed from a bad boy at all?

    The answers, to my complete shock, came flooding to me. Why him? Why a military man? Because I felt protected. Who better to guard me than a professional.

    Bad boy elements? Sure. If I try, I can find 'em. He was a drag racer. We snuck around. He took me to racetracks late at night. There was nothing stock about his sponsored car, which was obnoxiously loud and kind of annoyed me. He smoked Black & Milds when he drank. Never around me, though. He has close to, maybe more than, 20 tattoos. When we went places, girls freaking hated my guts. And that was because he didn't give one hot damn about them, his eyes (and hands) were on me.

    Well crap. I did pick a bad boy. A bad boy who I knew would be a skilled, trained protector. A bad boy doesn't, it turns out, exclude law enforcement. How silly that I'd defined it so.

    And here's the part where I'll relate it to others. Why do good girls, or any girls, pick bad boys? I can only speak for myself when I tell you that it's because there is an inherent need to feel that you're with someone who can protect you when or if it becomes necessary - and not get himself killed in the process. That is a turn on, to know that he very literally has your back and you have nothing to fear. Because then? You can close your eyes, open your arms, and let go. Let it all go. There is nothing more freeing than that. And that is the real attraction to bad boys. Freedom. It's primal.

    Happy Friday the 13th.

  • 2.0 Help (With Pics)

    Not that I'm crazy savvy, but I have been asked by more than one person for some help with Xanga 2.0. I will take a few screenshots and see what I can do as succinctly as possible.


    Many of you know this already (so skip this redundancy UNLESS YOU HAVE AN UNDERSCORE IN YOUR NAME because I've seen this over and over). When we leave comments, it's nice for our names to link back to our pages. Here's how:

    Click Edit My Profile

    Edit Profile

    Then scroll down until you see a place to enter your website. **IMPORTANT NOTE** If you have an underscore in your name, your new xanga site has a dash in place of the underscore. If you underscore your new link, IT WILL NOT WORK.

    Type in your xanga site. OR if you have another site (if you aren't a paying 2.0 member yet) you can also enter it here and when you comment, people can still find you. NEAT!


    Once you do that, don't forget to scroll down further and click the blue UPDATE PROFILE button (or the change won't save).




    In order to have stuff to read, we must now "follow" our Xanga friends. Here is how to follow someone:

    On their Xanga page, look below their big icon. There should be a Follow link. Click it.



    Once you've done that, they are now here in your FOLLOWING tab:



    From here, you can also manage who FOLLOWS YOU (your followers)!! Click the Followers link and you can see who reads your updates. Like this:




    #3. PRIVACY LOCKS!!!

    This is the crux of many Xangan issues. Either you don't know how to do this or don't understand what the locks are. I will show you how to manage this, but I BEG YOU NOT TO USE FOLLOWERS LOCK!!!!! Please do NOT use it until there is a way to request becoming a follower from outside the approved list. Otherwise, there is no way in and no way of notifying the user that you're there. It's a brick wall and PREVENTS friends from finding you, reading you, messaging you, anything. This is not worked out yet with 2.0. PLEASE DON'T USE FOLLOWERS LOCK! But here's how to manage the privacy settings anyway.

    1. On the left, with your mouse, HOVER over ADVANCED.

    2. Click Privacy Settings on the drop box that appears.



    From here, you have very basic choices. I have MY site set on sign in lock. Only Xangans can visit me. It doesn't matter what Xangan. Random people from the internet can't. It's my personal thought that this is the most secure option WHILE we try to REBUILD the COMMUNITY aspect of Xanga.

    Because if you use FOLLOWERS lock, you will NOT be participating with the community. And BOO on you for that.

    Use the drop down box to select the privacy setting you desire. And click Save Changes.




    My brain is dead. I have no idea what else to guide about.




  • I Recommend...

    After I'm done homeschooling my kids for the day, I'll write something. Maybe I'll mention in our lessons today that in pubic (did I miss a letter? Shit. If only I had been pubicly educated I'd have gotten that right) school they have a library on campus. Because I never want a story like the one our own godfather has told us to occur. Which can be found here at the blue link: Rec!


    Because I'm a genius and this is the only way to rec right now. Boom. It's the circle of life.


  • Come ON

    Seriously. Trying to connect the Xanga pieces together is challenging enough.


    Good Lord!! I'm serious. It's a freaking brick wall in the way of any community. You're probably really tired of me saying so, but I'm really damn tired of stuff like this (No offense to the person I happened to take the capture of, really, it's just the most recent one I ran into):


    There is no option to request. No option of anything. Just a brick wall.

    AND THEN? I saw a popular Xangan writing, early on in 2.0, about how she was doing a mass unfollowing of most of her subscribers (she estimated 1,300) because she didn't want to have to search through available posts to find blogs from her real friends. Way to segment and divide what is left, what precious little is left.

    Others agreed with her plan and said they were doing the same.

    Coincidentally, I looked at the day that was posted. The next was when I was no longer on many following/followers lists and when I tried to go back to see why? FOLLOWERS LOCK.

    I just want it to stop. I don't understand the purpose of total seclusion. I don't understand the purpose of shutting out the few who remain. What are we trying to do? Do we want Xanga to survive? Or do we want it to die?

    You have that power.


  • Loving Spousal Words

    Me: I'm having a fantasy. Right now.

    Josh: Yeah. About smacking the shit out of my face.

    Me: How did you know?!

    Josh: Because of how turned on you are.


    Ah, l'amour!

  • Pulse-ish

    Watching Frankenweenie with the blinds closed, surround on, and kids in sleeping bags on the living room floor. Have you ever seen this? I love the creepy. Now shut up, kids. No talking.

    @MyxlDove, I used QuickPress for this. I don't think it was quicker. Ha!

    Edit: It definitely wasn't faster. It didn't categorize the post as a pulse. I had to add that in this edit. Won't use QuickPress again, it's superfluous and lacks sortability.

  • Where I Reference Two Horror Greats

    Sleep, blissful sleep. Until the heartwarming sound of your children screaming their brains out at each other  comes through the baby monitor directly into your ear. It's awesome. The best part of waking up. Sleep over.

    Followed closely by a hop in the shower. Oh, the shower, my place of solace. My thinking spot. My relaxation station. My own personal spa... and the sound of the door knob turning... footsteps right up to the shower curtain. Great. I'm either about to be part of a Bates Motel scene or?... "Mom, Isaiah threw up slobber." I don't even know what the hell that means. Shower over.

    As I dress, while being careful not to get my own red rum all over the carpet, because HORRAY I'M NOT PREGNANT, footsteps again approach. Sigh. "Mom, I spilled syrup all over my shirt." Game Over.

    You defeated the mommy.

