July 10, 2013

  • There's a Spy in the House of Powers

    I will preface this by saying that while it's possible by the simple virtue of living in the same house that the kids have heard the grown ups arguing (for lack of a better word, and no it does not involve actual fighting and yelling - well 99% of the time), we do not discuss things like our relationship or whatever is going on behind the scenes in front of them. At all. We wait until they are in bed behind closed doors, or now that I think of it, we have discussed a couple of issues in the car when we thought they were watching their dvd (or lacked the other knowledge to grasp what we were discussing). Either way, all of this has caught me completely off guard.

    You see, Ava has a strong imagination, I've said that before. Really strong imagination. Like, she sometimes can't even tell the difference between what she has imagined and what is real. Example, she was completely pissed off at me for allowing her to watch a Twilight movie because she had a nightmare about it. Problem. I never allowed her to watch one. First of all, I am against Twilight as a True Blood fan (and I don't think vampires and "true" eternal love is a subject for high school teenagers - so the concept is failed to begin with for me). I've never seen them myself, much less shown them to her. But she was legit pissed at me for having shown her this movie. Which never happened. Her imagination is a little bit out of control. I wish she were a little better at writing so she could have an outlet for her imagination and could in that way keep it wrapped up. But she, having just completed 1st grade, doesn't quite possess that skill yet.

    It doesn't matter that Josh and I have never discussed divorce, she has placed it in her mind. "Mommy, if you and daddy ever decide to break up, will you tell me first? That way, I can call the love doctor. He can help." Yeah, tears welled when she said that.

    Last night, Josh went to the store for something random. He was going to take the kids with him. I was going to have a few moments to myself for the first time in I honestly don't even know how long. He left while I was in the shower. I got out, and thought I was alone. I felt so much unexpected JOY. I had time alone!! OMG. And then I heard it. Ava's voice downstairs. She didn't go, she chose not to. Why? Good question. I believe she has decided she has to keep an eye on me.

    Because while he was gone, he called me. At the end of the conversation, we said "I love you," like we normally do. She heard and immediately inquired, "who was on the phone? Who did you just say 'I love you' to?" Really? Smiling, I said, "Who do you think it was, crazy girl?" She crossed her arms and said, "I. Don't. Know." Ok then. "It was my boyfriend, Ava." She replied, "Daddy isn't your boyfriend, he's your husband. So, you have a boyfriend? Does daddy know?" Wow. I told her it was, of course, daddy on the phone.

    Over dinner, she said, "Soooo, dad. When you were at the store, did you call mom?" She freaking VERIFIED.

    I have a little spy in the house. I don't like it.


Comments (7)

  • Ohhh my gosh. O_O I do that face because when I was about her age, I became really worried that my parents were going to divorce. (This was way before they started having issues.) The really weird thing was why. Okay, you're going to laugh at this. 

    So, my dad would come home from work, step out of his truck, and his glasses and truck windows would be all steamed up. I was SO CONVINCED that the steam was the sign of, I guess, sexy time. :/ Of course, it wasn't. I was reminded of that a few nights ago when I stepped out into the muggy evening and my glasses fogged. I don't know where I got that idea... my parents kept a seriously tight rein on everything we watched. Hopefully it's just a phase she will grow out of. She sounds like a smart cookie... like she is more aware than most other children her age of what's going on around her. 

  • @WaitingToShrug - Yep, you're right. I did laugh at the steamed windows = sexy time. HAHAH! But aww at the stress you went through, and that Ava is putting herself through, too. It does make me feel better to now wonder if it is kind of an age thing. Like a realization of relationships and just a maturation of that concept. I don't specifically recall thinking that with my parents, although I do remember, very specifically hearing them fight when I was about her age. My younger sisters and I decided that the way to get them to stop fighting was to march around the house (literally) singing "Onward Christian Soldiers" as loudly as we could putting on a parade including stuffed animals and fist pumps.

    LOL! Maybe it IS an age thing???

  • @PrincessPowers - Lol, oh my gosh, kids are so hilarious. Hehe, did your parade work? 

    I bet it is an age thing. Probably realizing that moms and dads don't *have* to stay together, like matched pairs... that the relationship is a choice, and of course she's too young to understand what goes on with the making of that choice. But dang! I bet you're proud of her for putting together her information so clearly for such a little one. :D  Oh, btw, I laughed at the Twilight thing. Maybe it was a super realistic dream? I like True Blood much better too. 

    *edit* I say better, but I haven't seen any of the movies... hah. 

  • @WaitingToShrug - No, it did not work, the fight parade. It aggravated them more. Haha! And there is a small part of me that is proud of her for being such a good lil deducer. But I do wish she'd do her detective work on someone else, thankyouverymuch. What season are you up to on True Blood? I'm hatin' on Alcide this season (gasp!).

  • This post tells me two things: 1) Ava is brilliant (genetics FTW) and, 2) You provide an environment that allows her to freely process what's going on in her head. As someone with a strong imagination as well (I consider it a super power), I know how important it is to be able to process all the craziness that goes on in my head.

    Perhaps it's just an age thing. She may be at that stage where she's become far more cognizant of family dynamics, each person's role within the family, and how that contributes to stability. Which I imagine is important to every child. Especially at that age.

    And can I just say... the fact that she would "call the love doctor" made me smile real big!

  • @PrincessPowers - Oh, don't tell me anything! We're finished with season four, and not sure when we're going to get season five. We tend to do episode marathons, so we have to be careful when we get them. 

    Alcide annoyed me a bit in season four. Didn't strike me as an alpha at all... although he IS extremely hot. :D  

  • Oh my!  Well we know what she will be when she grows up!  Lol

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